Want to know how I make my own easy vegan pesto? Keep reading...
Good things are happening these days. New jobs coming my way, a couple of cute houses me and my boyfriend saw (we will move in together in a few weeks) and a long-term job for him.
"Let me THE UNIVERSE IS LISTENING! Tell it what you desire...♥♥"this is how one of Rachel twolovesstudio's latest posts started.
I deeply believe in mantras, affirmations and I like studying mindfulness, in general. I don't know if you knew this but I also have a 'mindfulness' section here on my blog and that's because a few months ago I loved sharing my knowledge on it.
Honestly, that's not a part I keep updating regularly, but I would love to.
You know, I've read quite a few books on this subject, I also used to have a structured routine (The Miracle Morning) a few months ago. Now my routine has changed, but affirmations, meditation and mantras are still here.
I strongly believe that 'we are what we think'. Notice, though, that affirmations alone won’t help you. You have to take action.
What they basically do is help us believe in the potential of an action we want to manifest.
With my mantra, for example, I ‘train’my mind to think what I want and then translate those thoughts into actions.
Now you are confused: why am I telling you all this? Well, my mantra is bringing all the positive things I mentioned at the beginning. Do you have a positive affirmation too?
Let’s talk about this easy vegan pesto…
Let's go back talking about food, shall we?
You know, my relationship with cheese has aaaaaaalways been difficult. I don't like its smell, I don't like its flavor and I only eat fresh cheeses (like goat cheese, cottage cheese, ricotta...) or smoked ones like provola or scamorza. Just try to put parmesan on my pasta and I-won't it-eat-it. NO WAY.
I really love pesto though and pesto is made with Parmesan and Pecorino.
Luckily for me - and my vegan friends - it's easy to make a cheese-free version. This is the recipe I've been using for such a long time. You know what I did? I took the original Genoese recipe and removed the Parmesan. Obviously you have to balance the flavor by adding some extra salt.
Another tip I've learned on the website I've linked above: the quicker you prepare your pesto, the better, so you'll avoid oxidation.
- 25 gr Fresh high quality basil
- 1 small clove Garlic
- half a tablespoon Mediterranean pine nuts (or walnuts) - or regular ones
- a quarter of a glass Extra virgin olive oil
- some grains Coarse salt
- if you're not vegan also add Parmesan cheese or Pecorino - (a few tablespoons)
- According to the original recipe: wash your basil with cold water, then let it dry onto a cloth.
- Meanwhile, in a mortar: mash your garlic and salt using a pestle, until it gets creamy.(if you don't have one, use a small food processor)
- Add pine nuts and/or walnuts and mash.
- Start adding the basil leaves gradually and mash with the pestle. Very important: use a rotational motion so you won't break the leaves and they'll gradually release their essential oils.
- When you're done mashing the leaves, start drizzling in the extra virgin olive oil.
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